Pàgines interessants per al Batxillerat

divendres, 25 de setembre del 2015
Ací podeu trobar informació interessant per a 2n de Batxillerat sobre tot el temari de l'assignatura:
Temari 2n Batxillerat
Temari 2n Batxillerat

Informació de neumàtica i hidràulica:

Benvinguda Curs 15-16

dilluns, 14 de setembre del 2015

Un any més presentem a l'alumnat el bloc del Departament de Tecnologia on podrà trobar recursos, informació d'interés i moltes fotografies dels projectes realitzats.
El Curs 15-16 el Departament de Tecnologia està present als grups següents:

    Tecnologies 1r d'ESO A, B, C i D (Programa Plurilingüe)
    Taller de Tecnologies 2n d'ESO (Programa Plurilingüe)
    Tecnologies 3r d'ESO A, B i C (Programa Plurilingüe)
    Tecnologia 4t d'ESO A, B i PDC
    Àmbit Tecnològic PDC
    Treball Monogràfic d'Investigació 4t d'ESO
    Tecnologia Industrial I
    Tecnologia Industrial II

El nostre IES és un dels centres de la Xarxa de Centres Plurilingües de la Comunitat Valenciana, autoritzat per a l'ús de les llengües estrangeres com a llengües vehiculars (Programa Plurilingüe).

També continuem amb el projecte Erasmus + K2: Power up! Get active for your future!.
Comencem enguany el projecte Erasmus + K1: ABRIENDO CAMINOS A EUROPA

Dissemination of the activity results related to the Structured Course: Erasmus+ CLIL Methodology in Practice from 16 to 29 August 2015.

dijous, 3 de setembre del 2015

Co-funded by the European Union


Project number: 2015-1-ES01-KA101-013831
Sending organisation: IES Clara Campoamor
Country: Spain
Autonomous Community: Comunidad Valenciana
City: Alaquàs

Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals is all about providing opportunities for individuals to improve their skills, enhance their employability and gain cultural awareness.
Key Action 1 supports mobility in the education, training and youth sectors and aims to bring long lasting benefits to the participants and the organisations involved.
Key Action 101: Mobility Project For School Education Staff can comprise one or more of the following activities:
  • teaching assignments: this activity allows teachers or other school education staff to teach at a partner school abroad.
  • staff training: this activity supports the professional development of teachers, school leaders or other school education staff in the form of: a) participation in structured courses or training events abroad; b) a job shadowing/observation period abroad in a partner school or another relevant organisation active in the field of school education.
Mobility projects for learners and staff enables beneficiaries to travel to another participating country in order to study, work, teach, train or develop professional skills and competences. Under Erasmus+ mobility activities are project-based and will need to be led by organisations. Individuals are no longer able to apply. This approach is intended to make projects more strategic and impactful.

Sending organisation:
IES Clara Campoamor
Calle Rigoberta Menchú,1
46970 Alaquàs, Valencia, España
Tel.: 0034 961206300
email: 46023225.secret@edu.gva.es
Clara Campoamor Secondary School is located in Alaquas. Alaquàs has a population of 27.470. Alaquàs is a town to the south-west Valencia. Valencia is the third Spanish city behind Madrid and Barcelona.
IES Clara Campoamor is a state secondary school enrolling over 450 students and 52 teachers.
In addition to our academic curriculum, we offer an array of co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities for students.
One of the school's most important priorities is to focus on the individual student and to create a positive student-teacher connection that enables effective learning to take place.
  • 4 years of ESO (From age 11 to 16) to get the ESO Certificate
  • PDC (From age 16 to 17). Special program to get the ESO Certificate. Only for student who have special necessities or disadvantages.
  • 2 years of Bachillerato (From age 16 to 18) to get into University
  • CFGM (From age16 to18) to get a vocational qualification in business
  • FPB (From age 15 to 17). Special program to get professional training. Only for student who have special necessities or disadvantages.
School Peer Mediation:
A form of conflict resolution in which trained students leaders help their peers work together to resolve everyday disputes.
Entrepreneurship and Organic garden:
Programs designed for student who have special necessities or disadvantages to enhance employability and increase the sense of initiative, self-empowerment and self-esteem.
Multilingual Program:
Since 2012 our school is part of the Valencian Community Multilingual Schools Network and we use CLIL methodology to develop our Multilingual Program.
Multilateral Erasmus + Key Action 2: School Partnerships.
We are part of the Erasmus + project “Power up! Get active for your future”. We are interested in developing long lasting cooperation after the two years of a funded Erasmus + School Partnership.
Erasmus + Key Action 1: Learning Mobility Of Individuals .
We are part of the Erasmus + project “ABRIENDO CAMINOS A EUROPA”.
eTwinning project:
We normally participate in different eTwinning projects:
  • Power up! Get active for your future
Information about the participant:
David Navarro Gilabert
Tel.: 0034 670 60 64 63
email: datecbe@hotmail.com
Technology teacher
English level B2, French level B2

As a technology teacher I'm very interested in teaching technology and science through CLIL methodology.
Furthermore, as the selected participant in this Key 1 Action of our school, I'm charged with the responsibility of applying CLIL methodology to our Multilingual Program in order to improve the opportunities of our students.
It's also interesting for us to start new relationships through Europe to compare our ways of understanding education and to use this exchange of ideas to improve our educational system.
Those are the reasons that push me to participate in this Action to achieve the outcomes that are showed below.
Mobility Activity Outcomes:
As regards staff, the mobility activity is expected to produce the following outcomes:
  • improved teaching competences.
  • broader understanding of practices, policies and systems in education across countries.
  • increased capacity to trigger changes in terms of modernisation and international opening within their educational organisations.
  • greater understanding of interconnections between formal and non-formal education, vocational training and the labour market respectively.
  • better quality of their work and activities in favour of students.
  • greater understanding and responsiveness to social, linguistic and cultural diversity.
  • increased ability to address the needs of the disadvantaged.
  • increased support for and promotion of mobility activities for learners.
  • increase opportunities for professional and career development.
  • improve foreign language competences.
  • increased motivation and satisfaction in their daily work.
Activities supported under this Action are also expected to produce the following outcomes on participating organisations:
  • increased capacity to operate at EU/international level: improved management skills and internationalisation strategies; reinforced cooperation with partners from other countries; increased allocation of financial resources (other than EU funds) to organise EU/international projects; increased quality in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and follow up of EU/international projects;
  • innovative and improved way of operating towards their target groups, by providing more attractive programmes for students in line with their needs and expectations; improved qualifications of teaching and training staff; improved processes of recognition and validation of competences gained during learning periods abroad; more effective activities for the benefit of local communities, improved youth work methods and practices to actively involve young people and/or to address disadvantaged groups, etc.;
  • more modern, dynamic, committed and professional environment inside the organisation: ready to integrate good practices and new methods into daily activities; open to synergies with organisations active in different social, educational and employment fields; planning strategically the professional development of their staff in relation to individual needs and organisational objectives; if relevant, capable of attracting excellent students and academic staff from all over the world.

Also is very important to us in Spain the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy, including the headline education target. The headline education target is to reduce early school leaving to less than 10% and increase attainment in tertiary education to at least 40% by 2020.

Structured course: Erasmus+ CLIL Methodology in Practice

This course is aimed at teachers who are non-native speakers of English and need to teach their subjects through the medium of English. It is suitable for teachers of pupils aged ten upward.
This practical course is suitable for practising or future CLIL teachers. The course will improve confidence in lesson delivery and expand the participant’s range of methodological approaches to enhance classroom practice in addition to supplying the language and vocabulary needed in the classroom.
English as a Foreign Language in Practice

Morning sessions were devoted to refreshing the experience of being a student. Teachers all too often become stale and lose sensitivity to the real situation of the student experience. These lessons facilitate the acquisition of general classroom language and improve the four skills Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
In addition to the consequent increase in personal fluency and more confidence in lesson delivery, the teacher becomes more acutely aware of learning difficulties from a student’s point of view.
CLIL Methodology and Teaching Strategies
The afternoon sessions cover some of the essential classroom techniques in teaching C.L.I.L. They also provide peer group teaching opportunities for foreign teachers to practise manipulating these strategies and techniques themselves. The course emphasis is practical, focusing on strategies, skills and activities to be used in the classroom. The theoretical rationale supporting these techniques is introduced where appropriate, including the eight Key Competencies.
Structured course Outcomes
The course equips the participants with the skills, activities and language necessary to deliver a range of subject based lessons in English. It also improves confidence in lesson delivery, classroom vocabulary and fluency as well as extending awareness and knowledge of learning styles, various methodological approaches, and resources available. Insights are provided into the integration of both new and traditional strategies and the 8 Key Competencies. Furthermore, the course gives advice on how to access changes and trends in the English language on-line.

Sum up ideas
Finally, to conclude let me highlight some key points. Getting involved in Erasmus + Projects bring long lasting benefits to the participants and the organisations. The fact that Erasmus+ mobility activities are project-based and need to be led by organisations make projects more strategic and impactful and organisations improve management skills and internationalisation strategies, reinforce cooperation with partners from other countries and are ready to integrate good practices and new methods into daily activities
Furthermore, improve teaching competences in CLIL methodology is essential to give us a guarantee for the proper development of our Multilingual Program.
Erasmus + activities provide better quality of our work always in favour of students that achieve a greater understanding and responsiveness to social, linguistic and cultural diversity.