Our School

School Location

Clara Campoamor Secondary School is located in Alaquas. Alaquàs has a population of 27.470.

Alaquàs is a town to the south-west Valencia. Valencia is the third Spanish city behind Madrid and Barcelona. You can get to Valencia by plane (Manises Airport near the town) and also by fast train from Madrid.

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About the School

IES Clara Campoamor is a state secondary school enrolling over 450 students and 43 teachers.

The school was built in 2001. It has 20 classrooms and a high sized gymnasium. Within the building we have specialized rooms for technology, laboratories, music, arts, information and communication technology, and a library; It also has a cafeteria.
In addition to our academic curriculum, we offer an array of co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities for students.

One of the school's most important priorities is to focus on the individual student and to create a positive student-teacher connection that enables effective learning to take place.

Stages and Programs:
  • 4 years of ESO (From age 11 to 16) to get the ESO Certificate
  • 2 years of Bachillerato (From age 16 to 18) to get into University
  • CFGM (From age16 to18) to get a vocational qualification in business
  • PCPI (From age 15 to 17). Special program to get professional training. Only for student who have special necessities.
School Hours: 8:00 AM: ~ 14:00 PM :15:30PM ~ 17:20PM

eTwinning project
We normally participate in many eTwinning projects:
We expect to have a great time working with our partners, learn a lot about this important topics and discover many new things!
Last year we were part of an interesting eTwinning project - Sustainable Energy – Clean Energy for the Future. A project to promote the importance of the usage of renewable sources of energy (sun, water, wind and biomass).
We have been awarded with the Quality Label for the work we have done in this project.

Project information

Organic garden

Welcome to the IES Clara Campoamor Garden's blog. Here you can see the evolution of our garden from September to June.

Multilateral Erasmus + School Partnerships
We are part of the Erasmus + project Power up! Get active for your future. We are interested in developing long lasting cooperation after the two years of a funded Erasmus + School Partnership.