Testing our Projects
Parking lot barrier:This Parking lot barrier has a mechanism that moves the barrier up and down. We can use a worm and worm-wheel mechanism, gear system mechanism, or pulley system mechanism.
The project has one electric motor with forward and reverse control to control the movement of the barrier.
We will use a double circuit switch to control the electric motor and limit switches to know if the barrier is up or down.
Then we will change the double circuit switch by a relay.
Later we will use two LED (Light Emitting Diode) one red and one green to make a Traffic light.
Finally, we will use the Scratch / Picaxe software to program a PICAXE microcontroller that will be the brain of our project.
Containers Crane:
This Containers Crane has a frame structure made of wood. It has two electric motors with forward and reverse control to control the hoist and the trolley. The hoist can move up and down and the trolley has a left-right movement.
Students build the Containers Crane with rods of wood and Medium Density Fibreboard wood (MDF).
First, students have built the structure of the Containers Crane, with rods of wood and Medium Density Fibreboard wood (MDF), by following the views plans delivered by the teacher.
Then, students put the hoist and the trolley over the beam. And they make the pulley mechanism.
Then, they put the electric motors in place to control both movements, up and down and left-right movement. Also they must put the ropes between hoist, trolley and the pulley mechanisms.
After that, students assemble the electric circuit.
Finally, students test the project.