L'alumnat de 2n d'ESO de Taller de Tecnologia ha realitzat l'automatització d'un pont llevadís. Com sabeu, és un dels grups plurilingüe experimental i ací teniu la descripció del treball realitzat:
The name of the project is Lifting Bridge with Motor and Remote Control.
How the product works and how it is used.
A bridge is a structure built to pass over obstacles such as a river, valley or road. A lifting bridge is a movable bridge. The bridge deck is hinged on one end that moves to allow passage for boats. For small bridges, bridge movement is operated by the user.
Generally, the bridges are powered by electric motors so we have installed an electric motor with forward and reverse remote control.
Short description of the parts.
Lifting Bridge has a tower, it has a bridge deck, it has a hinge, it has two braces, it has two pulleys and one axle and it has a handle. We have installed an electric motor with forward and reverse remote control.
What materials are used?
The tower is made of wood, rods of wood. The bridge deck is made of wood, medium density fibreboard (DM). Pulleys are made of plastic. The hinge is made of cardboard. Braces are made of rope. Handle is made of wood.
Reason for their choice.
We have chosen rods of wood, DM, plastic, cardboard and rope because are cheap and easy to obtain.
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