Electric car with remote control

divendres, 19 d’octubre del 2012

L'alumnat de 2n d'ESO de Taller de Tecnologia ha muntat el cotxe elèctric amb comandament a distància. Com sabeu, és un dels grups plurilingüe i ací teniu la descripció del treball realitzat:
Students must build an electric car with forward and reverse remote control. The car is made of Medium Density Fibreboard wood.
First, the students build the car's structure by following the views plans delivered by the teacher to every group.
Then, the students put the front and rear wheel and axle, the students must pay attention to the pulley and the elastic band before putting the rear wheels.
After that, the students assemble the electric circuit. The electric circuit has two bulbs and one motor connected in parallel.
Finally, the students assemble the forward and reverse remote control.